CFP: Music, Cultures and Literature in the South (10/15/06; SASA, 2/14/07-2/18/07)

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      The Southern American Studies Association (SASA) is
inviting paper or complete panel proposals for its biannual
meeting to be hosted by the University of Mississippi,
February 14-18, 2007 in conjunction with the annual Living
Blues Symposium. The theme of the conference is "Blues
Tunes / Blues Texts: Music, Cultures and Literature in the
Global South." This truly interdisciplinary meeting that
brings together scholars of literature, culture and music
with musicians, radio industry insiders and fans of the
blues will consider ways in which literature and music shape
the living cultures of the global, post-regional South.
 Possible paper topics relating to the conference theme
include: musical extentions to and from the U.S. South;
African music, African legacies and retentions in the New
World; African-American spirituals, blues, hip-hop, rap,
patterns of call and response, the blues poetic; music in
the colonies, slave musicians; anti-slavery songs; Fisk
Jubilee Singers; ragtime, rock and roll, Elvis; jazz,
bebop, soul and the Sacred Harp; Native American music,
instruments and influence; music in the classroom,
questions of pedagogy and power; musical intersections of
race, class, and gender; divas, the marketing of music,
culture and ethnicity; cross-cultural influences in music
and literature; the effects of globalization and
transculturation on markets, performers, audiences and
readers; pain and pleasure and more. As always, however,
any proposal in American Studies will be considered.
 In addition to academic discussions and a keynote address
by Professor Farah Griffin (Columbia University), the
conference will feature blues poets and performers,
audience jam sessions, a Mississippi Delta Blues tour, and
the production of the live radio show "Thacker Mountain
 Please submit paper proposals (of 250 words) and proposals
for complete panels by October 15, 2006 to Dr. Annette
Trefzer, Department of English, University of Mississippi,
University, MS 38677 or email to . If
you would like to join the SASA, please go to:

Annette Trefzer
 Department of English
 University of Mississippi
 University, MS 38677
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Sep 09 2006 - 10:52:41 EDT
