CFP: Antigone (10/31/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Mosaic Journal

Mosaic, a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature

Special Issue "Antigone"

Mosaic invites submissions for a special on "Antigone". The deadline for submissions is
October 31, 2006.

Remarking a turn to tragedy that has taken place at decisive moments in the history of
the West and that is recurring in contemporary literary and critical theory, this special
issue centers on the figure and the play, Antigone.

Mosaic is interested in new work provoked by Sophocles's drama and by its heroine,
Antigone, as well as work engaging the critical discourse that Antigone and tragedy have
generated in past and recent years. Essays might broach such fields and themes as:
tragic vision, ethics, psychoanalysis, philosophy, gender, femininity, maternity, family, the
political, performance, literature, film, trace, temporality, and trangression.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: For a complete description of our submission guidelines,
please visit our website at:

* Preferred length of essays is 7,000 words, to a maximum of 7,500 words (including
Works Cited and Notes). Endnotes (maximum 500 words) should be used only to clarify
problematic documentation procedures; with discursive notes kept to an absolute

* Provide a 50-word abstract and a list of Works Cited (include complete bibliographical
information). Send three (3) hard copies and a disk (floppy or CD) of your complete
submission. Do not put your name on the essay.

* Enclose a covering letter stating that the essay has not been previously published, that
it is not part of a thesis or dissertation, and is not being considered for publication in
another journal or medium.

* Please provide an email address.

Please submit essays to:
Dawne McCance, Editor, Mosaic or
Jackie Pantel, Submissions Manager, Mosaic
The University of Manitoba
Room 208 Tier Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Oct 05 2006 - 01:17:53 EDT