CFP: Borders & Memories/Images of Past & Present (11/1/06; ACLA, 4/19/07-4/23/07)
CFP: "Borders & Memories/Images of Past & Present" (Mexico) (11/1/06; ACLA, 4/19 - 23/07)
Seminar Organizer: Edward Aiken, Syracuse University
American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting will be held in Puebla, Mexico, April 19 * 22. This year's theme is Trans, Pan, Inter: Cultures in Contact.
Seminar Description: From travel for pleasure or business to forced migration, millions of people are moving across borders and around the globe. Travel and migration have become such prevalent aspects of our current condition, that they could be seen as distinguishing markers of our era. These separate and sometimes overlapping streams of human activity, and the resulting memories of places left behind, are often communicated through visual or written imagery or combinations of the two. This seminar will explore ways in which this imagery is expressed through a broad spectrum of media from paintings and postcards to poetry and fiction to advertisements and websites. This seminar is especially interested in presentations focusing on works produced over the past fifty years.
The conference is organized primarily into seminars, which consist either of twelve papers, if they meet on all three days of the conference, or eight to nine papers, if they meet on two days. Papers should be 15-20 minutes long*no longer*to allow time for discussion.
ACLA membership is not required at the time when individual papers are submitted. Nonmembers may join after the acceptance of their papers. The deadline for membership and for inclusion on the final program will be in February, before the program is printed.
Do not send submissions directly to the organizer. Follow the instructions on the conference website, which will be found at
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Oct 05 2006 - 01:55:45 EDT