CFP: Festival of Original Theatre 2007 (10/24/06; 2/16/07-2/19/07)

full name / name of organization:

2007 Festival Of Original Theatre: Dissolving Borders.

Graduate Centre For Study of Drama, Univeristy of Toronto.

February 16-19

We invite papers and artistic presentations that examine themes
surrounding intercultural
performance for the 2007 Festival Of Original Theatre: Dissolving
Borders. This
conference and performance based festival sets out to interrogate the
concept of
intercultural performance by creating a forum for discussion between theatre
practitioners and the academic community while addressing the ever-
expanding definition
of culture and the question of what constitutes a cultural group in theatre.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Intercultural performance in Canada.

Defining Culture: What constitutes a cultural group in theatre.

Case Studies on Intercultral theatrical process and the performance of

Multi versus (or in relation to) Inter culturalism- as well as issues
of intra and trans

The constructions and contestations of difference in theatre/ performance.

Borders/ liminal spaces in intercultural theatre.

Pedagogical/ practical strategies for considering cultural plurality
and understanding

The Dissolving Borders conference and festival provides a forum for
scholars and artists
to engage in discussion through papers, performances, talk -backs and
panels. We
encourage submissions from graduate students.

If you are interested in proposing a paper or presentation please send
a 200-250 word
abstract by October 24, 2006. Submissions may be sent by e-mail to:

Or mail:

2007 Festival Of Original Theatre: Dissolving Borders

Graduate Centre for Study of Drama

University of Toronto

214 College St.

Toronto, ON

M5T 2Z9

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Oct 05 2006 - 01:17:07 EDT