CFP: "Parables in Drama" at ATHE Conference (10/15/06; ATHE, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

full name / name of organization:


"Parables in Drama"

Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference
New Orleans
July 26-29, 2007

Parables and drama, and specifically parables in drama, work performatively
to "redescribe" the world as we know it and force the audience to perform a
redescription of reality. They deserve our attention for the ways in which the
self and our world are constructed and deconstructed. But most especially,
parables in drama consider layers of readings that highlight what the best of
both genres have to offer.

This panel will investigate this little theorized form and specific readings
of parables in drama. What is a parable in drama? What is parabolic drama? Is
there a difference?

Possible topics to explore:
How do the parables of Jesus make their way into drama?
How are parables in drama and religion fundamentally tied together?
What is the ethical world of parabolic drama?
Are parables in drama didactic?
What is the performative nature of the parable in drama?
What cultural critics may inform parabolic drama?
How is parabolic drama relevant in a post-9/11 world?
What is parabolic performance?
How does parabolic drama investigate the self?

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, how do you apply the above to perform readings of
specific plays?

Please email 250-500 word abstracts and a copy of your c.v. to Michael Y.
Bennett at by October 15, 2006. Queries invited.
For further information about the conference, please consult the ATHE website:

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Oct 05 2006 - 01:17:07 EDT
