CFP: Transgressions of Genre (11/1/06; ACLA, 4/19/07-4/22/07)

full name / name of organization: 
birger vanwesenbeeck
contact email: 

American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting
April 19-22, 2007
Puebla, Mexico
  Transgressions of Genre
  From roughly the late 1970s until the present moment, the question of genre has frequently resurfaced as perhaps the single most important challenge posed to literary studies today. Uncomfortable with the term's traditional connotations of rigidity and hierarchy yet also unwilling to give up on a literary device with obvious didactic and historical relevance, many critics including Jacques Derrida, Jonathan Culler and Marjorie Perloff have sought to redefine the concept of genre in permeable and transitional terms. Contemporary poets, playwrights, and novelists, too, have become increasingly interested in the willful transgression of existing genre conventions—often, though not always, to ironic effect—while the works of older literary generations are being reinvestigated along the lines of these new theories of genre. Following up on these recent critical debates, this panel invites papers that investigate both the reformulation of genre as a theoretical and
 methodological tool, and the redefinition of particular genres across time and space. Papers may choose to focus on the work of one author or theorist in particular, or may choose to study the transgression of genre in the works of various authors within one national literature or across national and cultural boundaries. Of particular interest are papers that explore the racial reinscription of genre; the relationship between genre and gender; and the historico-cultural transformation of particular genres.
  Inquiries should be directed to seminar chair Birger Vanwesenbeeck at
  To submit an abstract, please complete the online form available at:
  You can also follow the link to this form from the conference website. All
submissions must be sent to the conference organizers via the online form.
Your proposal will then be forwarded to the seminar chair.
  OFFICIAL DEADLINE: November 1st, 2006. Early submissions appreciated.
  The above description as well as a link to the online submission form are
available directly at:
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Oct 05 2006 - 01:16:28 EDT
