CFP: Celebrity Colonialism: Fame, Representation, and Power in Colonial and Post-Colonial Cultures (Australia) (10/20/07; 4/12/0

full name / name of organization: 
Robert Clarke
contact email: 

Call for Papers and Expressions of Interest

 in an Upcoming Symposium on

"Celebrity Colonialism: Fame, Representation, and Power in Colonial and
Post-Colonial Cultures"


Thursday 12 April 2007

University of Queensland


Colonialism produces its fair share of celebrities, yet the meanings, forms,
and functions of celebrities within colonial and post-colonial cultures have
received little scholarly attention.


The Postcolonial Research Group of the University of Queensland invites
expressions of interest in, and proposals for papers for, a symposium on
Celebrity Colonialism to be held at the University of Queensland in April


This single-day symposium will explore the various and ambivalent
relationships between the cultures of celebrity and colonialism. Who are
the celebrities of colonialism and anti-colonialism? How do celebrities
function within colonial and post-colonial cultures? In what way have
various famous figures made their name through their celebration of or
antagonism towards colonial and neo-colonial imperialism? How does the
popular appeal of celebrity inflect the way (post-)colonial matters can be
brought before and received by the public?


Proposals are invited for 20 minute papers that address this theme and may
include such topics as:

* Literary celebrity and the cultures of colonialism.
* Celebrity travellers and travel writers in colonized and
post-colonized spaces.
* Celebrity, the media, and (neo)colonialism.
* Celebrity and the discourses of benevolence in the colonial and
post-colonial world.
* Celebrity and resistance.
* Celebrity frauds and the representation of Others.


If you wish to present a paper, please send a 250 word abstract including
the title of your paper to Dr Robert Clarke (School of English, Media
Studies and Art History, University of Queensland), by
Friday 20 October 2007.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Oct 06 2006 - 15:58:58 EDT
