CFP: Graduating Gender: Queer Grad Students Reading Culture Collection (2/30/07; collection)
Collection: Graduating Gender: Queer Grad Students Reading Culture
I am seeking submissions for an edited collection of graduate student essays
on queer/trans theory, gender issues, and cultural studies.
This collection will focus particularly on the unique role that LGBT grad
students play in the analysis of culture, the various roles and spaces
(including spaces of exile) that they inhabit within the academy, and the
anxiety of studying queer texts within 'straight' English and Comparative
Lit departments. What is it like to be 'the only gay in the village,' the
sole queer grad student who must 'represent' politically within a
department? What types of queer graduate communities exist, either in
metropolitan or rural universities, and what happens when a gay, bi, or
trans student simply wants to write on canonical texts (or only wants to
write on queer theory when his/her peers are busy studying Chaucer and
All submissions should keep these questions in mind, and autobiographical
and personal-inflected essays are strongly encouraged. The collection aims
to present evocative, precise, and sharp readings of contemporary cultural
texts (novels, poetry, film, tv) from LGBT grad students, especially those
working within English, CompLit, and Women's Studies departments, although
submissions from other disciplines will be considered. Each article should
have a solid theoretical basis, and should interrogate specific literary or
cinematic works, but should also be written as much as possible from a
personal perspective. How is your work different because of your in-between
status as a grad student, because of your various experiences within
departments that may be either magnanimous, neutral, or outright hostile to
your sexuality or gender? What would you say if there were no rules, no
committees, no supervisors, and no boundaries--what would you say, and why?
I would like to receive abstracts by Feb 30, 2007 at the latest, although if
there is considerable interest I will extend the deadline. Please enclose a
current CV as well as a brief bio. If you feel that your work is
particularly controversial, and fear that it might even jeopardize future
job prospects or relations with your department (as all great work probably
will), you are welcome to publish under a first name, pseudonym, or simply
to include no specific information about your institution.
Email submissions to: Please use .rtf
files for your attachments, as they are much smaller and easier to view on
both mac and pc.
You will be notified that your submission has been received, and I should be
able to let everyone know a month after the deadline (Mar 30/07) which
abstracts have been accepted. I have a publisher in mind, and will contact
them with a proposal once all of the abstracts have been received. Since
university publishers are often back-logged, the collection will probably go
to press in late-2008. Keep this in mind, especially if you are looking to
publish right away, since these projects take time to develop.
JM Battis
Instructor/Doctoral Candidate, Dept of English
Simon Fraser University
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Oct 06 2006 - 15:57:46 EDT