CFP: Hemingway's Materialisms (12/1/06; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)
Panel Title: Hemingway's Materialisms
(ALA Conference in Boston, MA, May 24-27, 2007)
The Hemingway Society invites proposals for a panel entitled "Hemingway's Materialisms." This panel aims to explore the various materialisms at work in the fiction of Ernest Hemingway, and in particular the role inanimate as well as human commodities play in defining exchange values in the context of Hemingway's novels and short stories. From the commodity forces underlying his tales of "modern" human interaction to the relentless economies of sexual possession that trouble the pages of so much of his written work, this panel asks what Hemingway's objects of exchange - men, women, animals, and various inanimate "things" - tell us about the material concerns affecting Hemingway's modernism. How do the men and women either conducting or implicated in Hemingway's material exchanges locate themselves as bodies in history? In what ways can we orient the materialist discourse found in Hemingway's works around recent critical discussions regarding the function of material objects !
in modernist literature generally?
Please send a 300 word abstract to Suzanne del Gizzo and David Tomkins
PLEASE NOTE: all proposals should be emailed to both chairpersons. Do not send attachments; copy-and-paste your proposal into the email message. Make sure to include your mailing address, telephone number, and email address with your submission.
Deadline for Submissions: December 1, 2006
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Oct 06 2006 - 15:59:29 EDT