CFP: Migrations (UK) (12/15/06; 4/27/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Phiroze Vasunia
contact email: 

Call for Papers


A conference sponsored by the University of Reading and the Classical
Reception Studies Network

Date: Friday, April 27, 2007
Location: University of Reading (England, UK)

As globalization and multiculturalism flourish in the modern world,
there is an increasing need to understand the nature of cross-
cultural encounters, exchanges, and interactions. What happens to
peoples and traditions when they come into contact with each other?
How useful is it to talk about a clash of civilizations? How can
cultures or civilizations connect with each other in ways that are
mutually beneficial? Was there a time when demarcations of East and
West were less divisive, imposing, and rigid than they seem today?
These questions have gained a certain urgency in an era when groups
appear to meet and collide with increasing rapidity.

It is the aim of this conference to examine cultural encounters from
the perspective of the reception of antiquity. The papers in the
conference will explore how the reception of the ancient past has
informed modern discussions about globalization and cultural
contact. While the conference will focus on the modern engagement
with the past, it will be limited to no one discipline, however, and
will promote work in history, literature, philosophy, visual culture,
archaeology, reception studies, and other fields. Among the themes
to be addressed are migration, globalization, exile, asylum, and

The Classical Reception Studies Network, a co-sponsor of the
conference, is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council
(UK). A small amount of funding is available from the CRSN to help
graduate students with travel-related expenses for the conference.

We will have a workshop format with papers of 20 minutes each.
Please send abstracts of about 350 words to Phiroze Vasunia at the
address below by December 15, 2006. There is no registration fee.
The conference is open to all.

Department of Classics
The University of Reading
Reading, RG6 6AA

Telephone: +44 (0)118 378 8420
Fax: +44 (0) 118 378 6661

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Received on Fri Oct 06 2006 - 15:57:30 EDT
