CPF: Afro-Caribbean Literature (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Laura Barrio-Vilar
contact email: 

CEA 2007 CFP -- Special Sessions: Afro-Caribbean Literature

The 38th Annual College English Association Conference: "Empathy and Ethics." New Orleans, Louisiana, April 12-14, 2007

Deadline for all proposals: November 1, 2006.

I am coordinating the CEA panels on Afro-Caribbean Literature for the 2007 Annual College English Association Conference. We welcome individual and panel presentation proposals that address Afro-Caribbean literatures in general, including--but not limited to--the following possible themes:

- Racial, ethnic, gender, sexual, class, and national identities
- Colonization and empire
- Nationalism and citizenship
- Hybridity, transculturation, creolite, and mestizaje
- Resistance and resilience
- Migration, exile, transnationalism, and/or globalization
- Travel and tourism
- Orality and the spoken word
- Intertextuality
- Diasporic theory and Afro-Caribbean literatures
- Postcolonial studies and Afro-Caribbean literatures
- Comparative literary, historical, political, or cultural analyses of Afro-Caribbean literatures

Submission Instructions:

New submissions policies apply this year. No longer will proposals in special panel areas be submitted directly to special panels chairs. Instead, CEA prefers to receive all submissions, including those for special panels, electronically through our conference management database housed at the following web address:


Electronic submissions open September 15th and close on November 1st.

Abstracts for proposals should be between 200 and 500 words in length and should include a title.

Submitting electronically is a two-step process: (1) setting up a user ID, then (2) using that ID to log inâ€"this time to a welcome page which provides a link for submitting proposals to the conference.

If submitting a panel, panel organizers should create user IDs for all proposed participants.

Though CEA prefers to receive proposals through the conference database, we will accept hard copy proposals, postmarked no later than October 15th, via regular mail. Hard-copy proposals should include the following information:

Panel organizers should include the following information for all proposed participants:

* Name
* Institutional affiliation (if applicable)
* Mailing address (including zip code)
* Phone number
* E-mail address
* Title for the proposed presentation.
* Abstract of 200-500 words
* A-V equipment needs, if any
* Special needs, if any

If you are willing to serve as a session chair or respondent, please indicate this in your cover letter.

NOTE: Hard copy proposals will also be accepted, but must be sent through U.S. mail by October 15th to:

Ed Demerly
English Division
Henry Ford Community College
5101 Evergreen Road
Dearborn MI 48128-1495
Office Phone: 313.645.9659
Email: edemerly_at_aol.com

CEA membership is required for all presenters. Conference registration material will arrive in January and will indicate registration fee payment deadlines at that time. However, CEA membership dues must be paid by January 1, 2007, for presenters’ names to appear on the program.

* To preserve time for discussion, CEA limits all presentations to 15 minutes.
* Notifications of proposal status will be sent around December 5th.
* All presenters must join CEA by 1 January, 2007 to appear on the program.
* No one may read more than one paper at the conference.
* CEA does not sponsor or fund travel or underwrite participant costs.

Note to Graduate Students:

Graduate students may submit their conference presentation for the CEA Best Papers Award, which carries a small prize. Information on how to submit that paper will be sent to accepted panelists after the membership deadline.

Graduate students are asked to identify themselves in their proposals so that we might send information about the Best Paper Award when it is available.

Laura Barrio-Vilar, ABD
Gender and Women's Studies Program
University of Kentucky
212 Breckinridge Hall
Lexington, KY 40506-0056
(859) 257-9719

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Oct 06 2006 - 15:57:52 EDT