CFP: Computer Culture: Internet Culture Topics (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Chaney, Joseph R
contact email: 

CALL FOR PAPERS: Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 14-17, 2007

Computer Culture Area
2007 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association/American Culture
Association Annual Meeting

The Computer Culture Area of the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture
Association/American Culture Association welcomes paper, panel, and
performance proposals on a wide range of topics, including but not
limited to:

Abramoff and email; Analyses of commercial Web pages; Archiving; Blogs
and pedagogy; Blogs and political campaigns; Blogs and the news media;
Campaign Web pages; Computer music production, film production; Computer
professions; Computers and election ballots; Computers and the stock
market; Computers and visual culture; Copyright law; Dating and
friendship services; Digital photo sharing; Ebay culture; Fan sites;
Flash media; Fundraising; Hobbies; Information access issues;
Internationalism; Internet art galleries; Job searches; Library and
information science topics; Manga/anime/toons; Music business, copyright
control; Online business; Online gambling; Online 'zines; Online
worship; Personal Web pages; Plagiarism, pirating; Podcasting;
Pornography; Search engines; Social diversity issues; Sports sites;
Spying, surveillance, security; Terrorism; Virtual communities, bulletin
boards, etc.; Viruses, worms, phishing, spam, and other risks and
annoyances; Web page design issues (aesthetics, ideology, etc.);
Wireless and mobile communication; Youtube and other public video sites.

The papers should be more than descriptive, and may include analysis
from any humanities, social science, tech or arts perspective. The
conference, which began as a regional meeting, is currently
national--even international--in scope.

Email proposals to:

Joseph Chaney
Department of English
Indiana University South Bend
Box 7111
South Bend IN 46634-7111
(574) 520-4870

For Paper Proposals:

Please submit a 200-word abstract embedded in the body of an email.
Include contact information (postal and preferred email address, phone
and fax numbers, etc.) and a biographical note about your connection to
the topic. (We do not require participants to demonstrate expertise in
the area. Since these are relatively new research fields, we wish to
encourage further growth.)

For Panel and Other Proposals, such as Performances:

Feel free to query first. Panel and other proposals should include all
of the information requested for individual paper proposals, as well as
a 100-word statement of the panel's rationale and any noteworthy
organizational features.

As always, proposals are welcome from any and all scholars, technicians,
professionals and artists, including graduate students, independent
scholars, and tenured, tenure-track, and emeritus faculty. Also, unusual
formats, technologies, and the like are encouraged.

[Note: proposals on topics related to video and computer game studies
should be submitted to Judd Ruggill, Department of Media Arts,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 jruggill @]

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 09 2006 - 10:58:39 EDT