CFP: Journal of Humanities East-West (ongoing; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Daniel Fried
contact email: 

The Journal of Humanities East-West (Chinese title: =
=A4H=A4=E5=BE=C7=B3=F8) is a scholarly journal devoted to =
interdisciplinary and comparative investigations of the literature, art, =
philosophy, intellectual history, and critical theory of any and all =
national/cultural/linguistic traditions. We welcome submissions from =
all theoretical perspectives, including post-theoretical, eclectic, or =
otherwise idiosyncratic scholarly approaches, including those which =
reject the notions of "Humanities" or "East-West" as valid analytical =
categories. Articles devoted to obscure historical and textual =
expositions are encouraged, though such submissions should address =
themselves to a general scholarly audience.

Newly reorganized as a quarterly journal affiliated with National =
Central University in Taiwan, JHEW primarily publishes articles written =
in English or Chinese. We are also able on occasion to accept =
manuscripts written in French, German, or Japanese, though it is =
suggested that potential authors send a query letter first before =
submitting a manuscript in one of those three languages. Book reviews =
are also invited, particularly those concerning studies which themselves =
are comparative or interdisciplinary.

Currently, the Journal has no firm word limit for submissions, though =
the editors reserve the right to reject pieces based on length. Please =
send submissions (in MLA style) as .doc attachments to our editorial =
assistant, Ms. Jenny Tsui, at, or through the post to =
Journal of Humanities East-West, College of Liberal Arts, National =
Central University, 300 Chungta Road, Jhongli Taoyuan 32054, Taiwan.

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Received on Mon Oct 09 2006 - 10:57:35 EDT