CFP: Libraries, Archives, Museums in Popular Culture (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Croft, Janet B.
contact email: 

& & & Call for Papers & & &

Libraries, Archives, Museums and Popular Culture Area


Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Assn.


Southwest/Texas American Culture Assn.

2007 Annual Conference

Hyatt Regency Albuquerque & Albuquerque, New Mexico

February 14-17, 2007

For more details, visit the Association's web site at

The Libraries, Archives, Museums and Popular Culture area solicits paper
proposals from librarians, graduate students, library school faculty,
collectors, writers, and other aficionados (yes! including people who
use libraries, archives, and museums!) of popular culture and
information settings of all types! We also encourage proposals for
slide shows, video presentations, workshop formats, and panels organized
around common themes. Among previous presentations were an overview of
collection development for feminist spirituality, images of librarians
in comics and movies, and discussions about petroglyphs and scrapbooks.

Some suggested topics:

& electronic information-seeking habits

& intellectual freedom issues related to popular culture resources

& book clubs and reading groups

& reports of research studies of popular culture & libraries,
archives, or museums

& marketing popular culture materials to library, archives, or
museum users

& collection building and popular culture resources

& organization and description of popular culture resources

& new media formats and popular culture in libraries, archives, or

& knowledge management issues

& profiles of popular culture resources

and other topics welcome!!!

Send a 200-word abstract to the Area Co-Chairs by November 15, 2006.
Include your complete mailing address, school or other affiliation,
e-mail address, telephone number, and fax number. Graduate students are
encouraged to present, and to apply for the graduate paper prizes listed

Janet Brennan Croft

Head of Access Services

Bizzell Library NW104

University of Oklahoma

Norman, OK 73019-6030

PHONE (405) 325-1918

FAX (405) 325-7618


Rhonda Harris Taylor

School of Library and Information Studies

401 West Brooks, Room 120

University of Oklahoma

Norman, OK 73019-6032

PHONE (405) 325-3921

FAX (405) 325-7648


Janet Brennan Croft
Head of Access Services
University of Oklahoma Libraries
Bizzell 104NW
Norman OK 73019
Fax 405-325-7618
Editor of Mythlore
"We cannot abandon what we are fighting to defend; that would make our
self-defence indefensible." Harriet Vane in A Presumption of Death, Jill
Paton Walsh and Dorothy L. Sayers

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 09 2006 - 10:56:57 EDT