CFP: Literature and Science (11/1/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Ian Roberts

The Literature and Science Area of the American Culture Association
invites submissions for the 2007 PCA/ACA National Conference, to be held
in beautiful Boston, Massachusetts from April 4-7, 2007.

Interpretive papers focusing on the representation or integration of
science in specific literary texts are especially encouraged. However,
proposals dealing with any aspect of the interdisciplinary field of
literature and science are welcome. Topics related to the interrelations
of the humanities and sciences include:

--Theoretical, methodological, historical, sociological, political,
economic, international, intercultural, visual, textual, and rhetorical
commonalities or conflicts between the two cultures
--Institutionalization and inter/disciplinarity of literature and
science as a field of study
--Literature and science course philosophy, pedagogy, design, and
--Use of literature (hard SF and other) to teach science
--Literary/rhetorical analyses of scientific texts
--Specific (mis)understandings or (ab)uses of contested concepts and
terms common to both the humanities and sciences
--Literary realism and naturalism as a locus of humanistic and
scientific worldviews.
--Evolutionary literary criticism
--Neuroethics and the bearing of science on ethics and aesthetics
--Popular science writing and science in film, television, comics, etc.

Please submit 150-200 word abstracts of panel or 15 to 20-minute paper
proposals electronically (including name, institutional affiliation,
brief bio or vita, mailing address and email address) by November 1,
2006 to:

Ian F. Roberts, Ph.D.
Area Chair, Literature and Science
Associate Professor of English
Missouri Western State University
4525 Downs Drive
St. Joseph, MO 64507

For further information about Literature and Science generally see the
Literature and Science Homepage at
<>. For further
information about the conference, please visit the PCA/ACA website at

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 09 2006 - 11:48:52 EDT
