CFP: Melissa Scott (11/26/06; ICFA, 3/14/07-3/18/07)
CFP: Melissa Scott (11-26-06; ICFA 3-14-18-07)
Proposals are sought for a paper session or sessions (2-3 papers per
session) on any aspect of Melissa Scott's work. I am especially interested
in proposals that are related to the themes of gender and sexuality in any
of her published works (listed below).
After assembling the proposal(s), I will submit the session proposal to the
appropriate Division Heads (International Association of the Fantastic in
the Arts) for the 28th ICFA Conference (March 14-18, 2007).
The theme of the 2007 conference is "Representing Self and Other: Gender
and Sexuality in the Fantastic." Scott is the Special Guest Writer, and I
am interested in making sure sessions entirely devoted to her work are
Guidelines: Please send a 500 word abstract and appropriate bibliography
(email preferred) along with required contact information to me no later
than November 26:
Robin Reid
Robin_Reid AT
rrede13 AT
Required Contact Information:
Full name
Institutional Affiliation
Snailmail address
Email address
*Please* include any Audio/Video Requests with the initial proposal. Later
A/V requests may not be honored.
Presenters may present papers in only one session and must be members of
IAFA at the time of the conference. Presenters may chair another session
(other than their own), and if you're willing to chair, please indicate your
I will assemble sessions and submit to the appropriate Division Head(s) by
the conference deadline (November 30).
Further information about the organization and conference can be found at:
Major publications:
Roads of Heaven (series)
Five-Twelfths of Heaven (1985)
Silence in Solitude (1986)
The Empress of Earth (1987)
The Roads of Heaven (omnibus) (1987)
Point (series)
Point of Hopes (1995) (with Lisa Barnett)
Point of Dreams (2001) (with Lisa A Barnes, Lisa Barnett)
The Game Beyond (1984)
Territorial Rights (1985)
A Choice of Destinies (1986)
The Kindly Ones (1987)
The Armor of Light (1988) (with Lisa Barnett)
Mighty Good Road (1990)
Dreamships (1992)
Burning Bright (1993)
Trouble and Her Friends (1994)
Shadow Man (1995)
Night Sky Mine (1996)
Dreaming Metal (1997)
The Shapes of Their Hearts (1998)
The Jazz (2000)
Series contributed to
Star Trek : Deep Space Nine Proud Helios (1994)
Star Trek : Voyager The Garden (1997)
Robin Anne Reid, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Literature and Languages
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Commerce TX 75429
Work: 903-886-5268
Fax: 903-886-5980
2nd vice-president
International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts
Call for Papers: Representing the Other, Gender and Sexuality in the
Fantastic (International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts, Ft
Lauderdale, FL. March 14-18, 2007). GoH: Geoff Ryman, Melissa Scott, Jane
Donawerth. Details at: <>
Co-Director, NEH 2004 Tolkien Institute
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 09 2006 - 10:57:31 EDT