CFP: Revolutions (11/6/06; journal issue)
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Call For Papers Number 8 (Fall/Winter) 2006
« Revolutions »
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
-TS Eliot, Four Quartets
For when a ship is floating calmly along, the sailors see its motion mirrored in everything outside, while on the other hand they suppose that they are stationary, together with everything on board. In the same way, the motion of the earth can unquestionably produce the impression that the entire universe is rotating.
-Nicholas Copernicus, On the Revolution of Heavenly Bodies
In today's language, the term "revolution" seems to have become entirely devoted to the notions of violence and rupture in the political, social and artistic realms. The term originates, however, from an older, more literal sense of "revolution" designating periodicity, and invariably the return to an origin, as well as the dynamics of circulation or circularity. Derived from classical Latin's revolvere, the first occurrences of "revolution" in French during the Middle Ages relate to the parallel fields of religion and astronomy. On the one hand, the word is used to refer to the circular path of the soul and its eventual return according to Augustinian theology. Within the realm of science, on the other hand, "revolution" describes the elliptical and recurring trajectory of celestial bodies moving through space. In order to return to and to explore this original and underrepresented sense of "revolution," Equinoxes is calling for articles for its Fall/Winter issue entitl!
ed "Revolutions." We welcome graduate students from all disciplines to submit articles relating to the sense of "revolution" described above within the context of French and Francophone cultural studies (literature, cinema, theory, history, visual arts, etc.). Topics addressed might include, but not be limited to:
· Literary figures and forms incorporating or operating upon notions of circularity or cycles : leitmotivs, the rondeau, repetition, etc.
· Rotation and circulation and the forces which contribute to or oppose revolution (centrifugal and centripetal forces, gravity, inertia, etc.).
· Circular voyages, journeys, paths or trajectories : trek, pilgrimage, circumnavigation, circuit, tour, return (e.g. epic). etc.
· Moments and components of revolution : apogee, perigee, tangent, focus/foci, center, axis, radius.
· Images : circle, chain, spiral, helix, ellipse, orbit, cycle, period, ring, sphere, round, loop, etc.
· Dynamics : to (re)turn, to turn around, to spin, to turn in on oneself, to roll/return back, to bring back, to circulate, to circle, to encircle, to surround, to hem in/to gather in, to curl, to faster around, etc.
· Themes : vicious or infernal circles, the eternal return (of the same), the Wheel of Fortune, planetary, astral or astrological representations, cycles of Nature, whirlpools, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, etc.
· Circular thought : tautology, circular logic, Möbius strips, reflexivity, etc.
· Intertextuality as revolution or circulation.
Submissions should be made electronically by sending an e-mail to <> with the author's name, affiliation and contact information in the body of the message and the text in attachment. No abstract is necessary. Please submit full papers by November 6, 2006. Articles must be MLA style and between 2500 and 3500 words in length (maximum 10 pages with 12 point font and double-spaced).
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Equinoxes is an electronic journal committed to academic excellence and creative scholarship published twice yearly by the graduate students of Brown University 's Department of French Studies in conjunction with its annual conference, a tradition since 1993. Intended as a forum for exchange among graduate students in French & Francophone Studies and related fields, Equinoxes publishes scholarly articles in both French and English, as well as book reviews, interviews, commentaries on the field, short fiction, poetry and translations. In the interest of promoting dialogue across periods and genres, each issue is designed around a proposed theme. However, the journal also maintains an "open" space for quality writing that falls under any of the above-mentioned categories, regardless of its subject.
Appel à contribution Numéro 8 (Automne/Hiver) 2006
« Révolutions »
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
-TS Eliot, Four Quartets
For when a ship is floating calmly along, the sailors see its motion mirrored in everything outside, while on the other hand they suppose that they are stationary, together with everything on board. In the same way, the motion of the earth can unquestionably produce the impression that the entire universe is rotating.
-Nicholas Copernicus, On the Revolution of Heavenly Bodies
Le langage courant fait de la « révolution » un terme voué à désigner à la fois la violence et la rupture, qu'il s'agisse du domaine politique, mais aussi social ou artistique. Pourtant, ce terme a une acception ancienne et moins usitée aujourd'hui qui renvoie à la périodicité, et, immanquablement au retour à l'origine, ainsi qu'au dynamisme d'une circulation. Les premières attestations de « révolution » au Moyen Age, dérivées du latin classique revolvere, concernent les domaines parallèles de la religion et de l'astronomie. D'une part, selon la conception augustinienne, l'âme connaît un parcours circulaire, un retour. De l'autre, les corps célestes décrivent dans l'espace une trajectoire elliptique et renouvelée que la langue désigne aussi sous le nom de « révolution ». C'est en privilégiant cette signification originelle de boucle périodique qu'Equinoxes fait appel aux propositions d'articles pour son numéro Automne/hiver 2006 intitulé « Révolutions ». Nous invitons les !
doctorants de toutes disciplines à soumettre des articles en rapport avec le sens du terme « révolutions » décrit ci-dessus dans le contexte culturel français et francophone (littérature, cinéma, théorie, arts visuels, etc.). Les pistes d'approche peuvent inclure les éléments suivants, sans toutefois s'y limiter :
· Formes et figures littéraires renvoyant à la circularité et/ou aux cycles : leitmotivs, le rondeau, la répétition, etc.
· Rotation, circulation et les forces qui contribuent ou s'opposent à la révolution (centrifuge, centripète, gravité, inertie, etc.).
· Voyages, parcours ou courses circulaires : périple, circumnavigation, circuit, tournée, (re)tour
· Moments et composantes de la révolution : apogée, périgée, tangente, foyer, centre, axe, rayon.
· Figures : cercle, chaîne, spirale, hélice, ellipse, orbite, cycle, période, anneau, boucle, rond, sphère, bague, rondelle, etc.
· Dynamiques : (re)tourner, se (re)tourner, se (re)tourner sur soi-même, rouler en arrière, ramener, circuler, (en)cercler, cerner, entourer, boucler, etc.
· Thématique : cercles vicieux ou infernaux, l'éternel retour (du même), la Roue de la Fortune, représentations planétaires, astrales, ou astrologiques, cycles de la Nature, maelstroms, tourbillons, tornades, cyclones, ouragans, etc.
· La pensée circulaire : la tautologie, la logique circulaire, le ruban de Möbius, la réflexivité, etc.
· L'intertextualité comme révolution ou circulation.
Veuillez nous faire parvenir les articles par courriel à l'adresse électronique suivante : <> . Le nom de l'auteur, son affiliation et ses coordonnées doivent figurer dans le corps du message et l'article en entier devrait être joint en attachement. Nous ne demandons pas de résumé, mais nous espérons recevoir les articles au plus tard le 6 novembre 2006. Les documents doivent être conformes au format MLA* et leur longueur devrait comporter entre 2500 et 3500 mots (au plus 10 pages, avec police 12 et double interligne).
* Pour le format MLA, vous pouvez vous référer au site suivant:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 09 2006 - 11:48:46 EDT