CFP: The Schuylkill (grad) (12/16/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Anna Peak
contact email: 

The Editors of the Schuylkill invite contributions for the Spring
issue. Founded by graduate students at Temple University, the
Schuylkill is a graduate journal indexed in the MLA Directory of
Periodicals and the MLA International Bibliography. Due to turnover
issues, the periodical has been defunct for the past several years,
but now has an active and committed editorial staff. The Schuylkill
will be published electronically, and possibly also as a print
journal, if our efforts to secure sufficient funding are successful.

Submissions on any area of literature or composition and rhetoric are
welcome (30 pages maximum; 10-20 pages preferred). Submissions must be
in MLA format with all personal and contact information on a separate
cover sheet. Please send two copies of your submission to:

Anna Peak, attn: Schuylkill
c/o Temple University
Department of English
Anderson Hall, 10th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19122

We currently do not accept electronic submissions, in order to
preserve anonymity - the Schuylkill has a blind submissions policy.

The deadline for submissions is December 16, 2006.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 09 2006 - 10:57:49 EDT