CFP: Harry Potter (2/1/07; 8/2/07-8/5/07)
Prophecy 2007: From Hero to Legend
August 2-5, 2007
Prophecy 2007 is an academic symposium about the Harry Potter series by J.K.
Rowling. We are seeking proposals for a variety of educational programming,
including presentations, discussion panels, round tables, workshops and
poster sessions addressing topics relevant to the books and/or the fan
community. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Character analyses, symbolism, and literary criticism; comparisons between
the Harry Potter books, their contemporaries and classic children's
literature. Critical responses to the Harry Potter franchise (books, movies,
music and merchandise) as a media and cultural phenomenon.
- SCIENCE Looking at the ways science manifests itself in the Harry Potter
series: the genetics of magic, the wizarding community's relation to
ecology, the physics of flying and Apparating, and the chemistry of potions
and alchemy.
- EDUCATION & CREATIVITY Exploring education within the books, and teaching
Harry Potter in the classroom. Learning about and experimenting with
creative writing and art.
- ARTS, HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Examining philosophical and religious
themes, parallels and elements within the books. Examining the Wizarding
world and its culture, policies, worldview and behaviour through the
disciplines of psychology, political science and anthropology.
- FANDOM CULTURE & EXPERIENCE Looking at the fandom as a community with its
own jargon, jokes, news, activities and events; the past and future of the
Harry Potter fandom: how it has evolved and its future. Analyses of the
fanfiction and fanart phenomena: their value as creative fiction/art;
sexuality, romance and feminism within fanworks; intellectual
property/copyright issues.
All proposals must be submitted by February 1st, 2007. For more information
on submitting your proposal, please visit our page:
Looking for some more ideas? Please visit our programming prompts page:
For more information on presentation styles, please visit our programming
formats page:
Further questions? Please e-mail us at <>
This conference is not endorsed, sanctioned or any other way supported,
directly or indirectly, by Warner Bros. Entertainment, the Harry Potter book
publishers, or J.K. Rowling and her representatives.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 12:52:58 EDT