CFP: Imperial Curiosity: Objects, Representations, Knowledges (Australia) (12/1/06; 6/27/07-6/29/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Anna Johnston

Imperial Curiosity: Objects, Representations, Knowledges
27-29 June, 2007
Hobart, Australia

Alongside economic, political, and strategic motivations, curiosity
spurred the spread of
empire. This interdisciplinary conference invites scholars and curators
to explore imperial
curiosity with the University of Tasmania 's Centre for Colonialism and
Its Aftermath. We
want to bring together those working in various historical, literary,
ethnographic, and
cultural collections with scholars from diverse disciplines: literary
studies, geography,
Asian studies, history, indigenous studies, art history, architecture,
legal studies, museum
studies, gender studies, cultural studies, and anthropology, amongst others.

We welcome papers which address the following topics, and others which
might surprise
Imperial inquisitiveness &/or acquisitiveness
Imperial wonder & awe
Resisting imperial curiosity
The cultural industries of imperialism
Imperial florilegium
Textual economies of curiosity: reading, travels, and travails
Imperial networks and/or the imperial archive
The gendering of imperial curiosity
The psychological terrain of imperial estrangement
Imperial affect (curiosity, fear, awe, pleasure)
Cabinets of curiosities: collecting & classification
The objects of empire
The erotics of empire

250 word abstracts should be submitted using the online submission form
no later than 1
December, 2006 and should be accompanied by a 100 word biographical note <>. For more information, email

Dr Anna Johnston
School of English, Journalism, and European Languages
University of Tasmania
Private Bag 82
Tasmania 7001

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Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 11:22:02 EDT