CFP: Literary and Cultural Criticism (undergrad) (11/10/06; journal issue)
Hotel Critical Review
Deadline for Submissions: November 10th, 2005
Please submit an attached file to
Since 2001, a group of undergraduates at McGill University has
produced a journal as daring in its design as it is thorough in its
argumentation. This journal, named Hotel, publishes thoughtful,
insightful writing by undergraduates within and around the fields of
literary and cultural criticism. This broad range of consideration
allows Hotel to publish essays from many disciplines and critical
approaches; we have covered subjects from Paradise Lost to Like Water
for Chocolate and from Mel Brooks to Jean Baudrillard. Hotel
encourages the contributions of all undergraduate students of culture
and the humanities to the realm of critical discourse, ordinarily open
only to graduate students and professional academics. Reflecting the
character of its home city of Montreal and the influence of its
francophone contributors, Hotel publishes works in English and French.
This will be Hotel's sixth volume, and the tentative date of
publication is May 2007.
Submissions to Hotel can be in English or in French, must conform to MLA
guidelines, and should not exceed fifteen pages, double-spaced,
12-point font. Submissions must be undergraduate essays. Previously
published work will not be accepted. Only one submission per person
will be accepted. Please include complete contact information.
For more information please consult our website at or
contact the editor-in-chief Julia Foley at
We look forward to reading your submissions!
Hotel: Critical Since 2002
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 11:20:27 EDT