CFP: Race and Ethnicity in the Nineteenth Century (11/1/06; NCSA, 3/8/07-3/10/07)
Call for Papers
Race and Ethnicity in the Nineteenth Century=20
28th Annual Conference of the Nineteenth-Century Studies Association =
Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, March 8-10, 2007
We invite submission of papers and panel proposals that explore all =
aspects of race and ethnicity in the 19th century, from all disciplinary =
and interdisciplinary perspectives. Topics might connect race and =
ethnicity with social identity or social control; with land use, =
ecology, city planning or industrialism; with emigration and immigration =
patterns; with aesthetics or with the sciences; with gender and =
sexuality. The organizers encourage the broadest interpretation of the =
topic, and the widest application to cultural phenomena.
The wealth of racial and ethnic history in Pennsylvania's Central =
Susquehanna Valley will provide an excellent focal point for wide =
ranging discussions. Fergus Bordewich, author of Bound for Canaan: The =
Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America (2005 Amistad), =
will present the first public lecture; Malcolm Dick, author of Joseph =
Priestley and Birmingham (Studley 2005), will present the second public =
lecture on race, religion, and the legacy of Joseph Priestley. Karen =
James of the PA Historical and Museum Commission will anchor a =
roundtable discussion on research methods for recovering African =
American involvement in the Underground Railroad. Local scholars will =
lead special tours of Underground Railroad sites and 19th-century =
architecture, including buildings of Joseph Priestley, Thomas Edison, =
and Eli Slifer. =20
Submit a one page abstract of a 20 minute paper, with author and title =
in heading, and one page vita by Nov. 1, 2006. Send materials or =
inquiries to Drew Hubbell, Conference Organizer: =
Registration, transportation, and accommodation information available in =
the Fall:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 11:20:23 EDT