CFP: Self and Identity in Fan Communities Panel (11/20/06; ICFA, 3/14/07-3/18/07)
"I Am Legion: Self and Identity in Fan Communities"
Panellists are being sought for a potential session to be submitted to
the 2007 International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (ICFA),
March 14-18 at the Wyndham Fort Lauderdale Airport Hotel, Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida.
Fandom, online and off, often allows fans a space in which to create and
recreate their own identities. This panel will focus on how various
aspects of identity are (re)created, reinforced, masked and revealed via
the medium of fandom. It will take into account gender and sexuality, as
well as the (sliding) line between "mundane" and "fannish" worlds.
Panellists will be invited to consider and pose a number of questions,
from the place of gender in fandom to the blurring and multiplying of
on- and offline selves.
A panel discussion at the ICFA is typically 4-5 people participating in
a more informal discussion on a given topic with greater audience
participation as compared to the formal (and longer) paper sessions. The
ICFA allows people to present a paper as well as participate in a panel
discussion (information on Division Heads and paper submissions can be
found at
As Fan Studies is, by its very nature, an interdisciplinary field,
scholars of all disciplines are invited to participate as members of the
Please send your contact info (including name, institutional
affiliation, snailmail, email and phone number) and a brief summary of
your scholarly interests as relating to the panel topic and the main
point(s) or questions you would like to present during the panel
discussion to Eden Lackner (lothlorien AT shaw DOT ca) by 20 NOVEMBER 2006.
Each panellist will have 5 minutes for individual statements, and then
the discussion will be opened up for audience questions and participation.
The 28th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
Representing Self and Other: Gender and Sexuality in the Fantastic
March 14-18, 2007
Wyndham Fort Lauderdale Airport Hotel
The focus of ICFA-28 is on issues of gender and sexuality, long a
concern of the fantastic in literature, film, and other media. Given the
oft-marginalized status of science fiction and fantasy in relation to
mainstream literature and culture, it's not surprising to see fantastic
works considered in the light of queer theory and feminist approaches.
Fighting females show that the hero doesn't have to be a guy, but it's
just as rewarding to examine the construction of the masculine hero in
space opera, sword-and-sorcery, and superhero comics. In graphic novels,
book cover illustrations, and art, the gendered Other is the BEM, the
elf, the alien, the vampire. Awards such as the Tiptree and the Lambda,
and the success of WisCon, speak to the importance of this theme to the
communities of the fantastic. We look forward to papers on the work of
Guest of Honor Geoff Ryman, author of the Tiptree Award-winning Air;
Guest Scholar Jane Donawerth, author of Frankenstein's Daughters: Women
Writing Science Fiction; and Special Guest Writer Melissa Scott, winner
of the Lambda Award. As always, we also welcome proposals for individual
papers and for academic sessions and panels on any aspect of the
fantastic in any media.
The deadline for submission of individual proposals is 30 November 2006.
(Earlier submissions are encouraged.)
Submission guidelines, Division Heads and more information is available
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 11:19:20 EDT