CFP: Sri Lankan Cinema (3/31/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Ian Conrich
contact email: 

Sri Lankan Cinema

Call for Papers

Sri Lankan cinema has generally remained within the shadow of the vast film
industry of India. Academic studies of this region over recent years have
repeatedly been drawn to Indian cinema, leaving Sri Lankan cinema with the
occasional discussion in publications beyond the local community. The wealth
of this cinema remains relatively unknown by foreign audiences and, outside
of festival screenings, few Sri Lankan films gain a cinematic release in
Western theatres. Globalisation and commercialisation have created a local
cinema that is dominated by Indian and Hollywood films, and which is
attempting to compete with similar genre productions. But this does not
remove the unique nature of Sri Lankan cinema, a small national cinema that
has continued to produce striking features within a climate of economic
hardship. In terms of its modern history, Sri Lanka has been marked by
severe internal conflicts and political and social challenges that have not
only defined the state of this nation, but also influenced the content of
its contemporary film production.

             Asian Cinema, an American refereed journal that is currently
celebrating its 21st year of publication, is calling for contributors for a
special issue that will contain a focus on "Sri Lankan Cinema". The issue
seeks to establish new approaches to films, film production, and film
culture in this country, with proposals welcome on any period of cinema.
Proposals are particularly encouraged which consider postcolonialism,
neo-colonialism, issues of gender and genre, film adaptations, music and
soundtracks, dance and choreography, and the relationship with other Asian
cultures. This issue will also look to emphasise cinema culture and is keen
to include articles that explore subjects such as film censorship, industry
economics, distribution and marketing, promotion and advertising, stardom,
audiences and film appreciation, video and DVD circulation. We also welcome
reports and proposals for interviews with key industry figures.

            Articles should be previously unpublished, and between 5000 and
7000 words (MLA preferred). We encourage the submission of abstracts, on
which we can give advice, and these should be received by 1 January 2007.
Beyond that date, please submit two hard copies of your manuscript, plus one
disk copy (in Word format). Include a SAE for return of manuscripts and
disk, should that be necessary. Deadline for completed articles: 31 March


Please address all enquiries, and send all submissions, to either: Dr Ian
Conrich, Guest Editor, Asian Cinema Sri Lanka Cinema Issue, 15 Garrett
Grove, Clifton Village, Nottingham NG11 8PU England. E-mail:

(or) Dr Nelly Gillet. E-mail:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:


Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 11:20:31 EDT
