CFP: Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature (12/1/06; collection)
Call for Essay Proposals for MLA Volume on Teaching Anglophone Caribbean
For the MLA Options for Teaching Series, the Publications Committee has
approved development of the volume Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature,
edited by Supriya M. Nair. Essay proposals are invited for the following
projected sections of the volume:
(1) Movements and Migrations (e.g., indigeneity, settlement, colonialism,
slavery, indentured servitude, nationalism, diasporas, globalization;
linkages to various continents are encouraged); (2) Ritual, Performance, and
Popular Culture (e.g., carnival, creolization, music, religion, folk
influences); (3) Teaching Approaches (e.g., questions of form, genre,
theory, identity, interdisciplinarity, intertextuality); (4) Course
Contexts (selected courses and syllabi representing a variety of curricular
and institutional situations; comparative frameworks are especially
welcome); (5) Teaching Resources (e.g., archives, databases, bibliographies,
Web sites). Preliminary inquiries and suggestions for possible contributors
are welcome. One-page proposals for specific essays should be sent by 1
December 2006 to the editor at
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 11:21:53 EDT