CFP: The Arab World in the US (10/31/06; journal issue)

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The Arab World in the US =


The Fall 2006 issue of AMERICAN=40 welcomes submissions on the possible =
impact=2C reactions=2C and representations of and by the Arab community =
in the USA =2C its influence on US national identity and sociocultural l=
andscape=2C and possible parallelisms with the creation of other histori=
cal internal suspects (religious=2C political=2C territorial=2C ethnic=2C=
 etc)=2E =

We are interested in original academic essays analyzing literature=2C fi=
lms=2C music=2C press=2C and other cultural manifestations on this topic=
=2C which contributors may email as an attached document to AMERICAN=40i=
nv=2Euhu=2Ees before October 31=2C 2006 =2E For more information about s=
ubmissions=2C please check AMERICAN=40 =27s website at =

http=3A//www=2Euhu=2Ees/hum676/revista/ =


This is a possible but not exhaustive list of topics=2E Other themes/top=
ics are encouraged and welcome=2E =

- Arabs in American art and media=2E =

- Arab drama=2C poetry=2C and prose in the U=2ES=2E =

- The social and cultural consequences of Arab immigration to the US =

- Arabs in the U=2ES=2E after the 9/11 attacks=2E =

- Arab political=2C religious=2C ethnic=2C linguistic=2C and sexual iden=
tity in the U=2ES=2E =

El mundo =E1rabe en los USA

El n=FAmero de oto=F1o de AMERICAN=40 acepta propuestas sobre el el posi=
ble impacto=2C reacciones y representaciones de y por la comunidad =C1ra=
be en los Estados Unidos de Am=E9rica=3B su influencia en la identidad n=
acional norteamericana y su panorama sociocultural y posibles paralelism=
os con la creaci=F3n de otros sospechosos internos hist=F3ricos (religio=
sos=2C pol=EDticos=2C territoriales=2C =E9tnicos=2C etc)=2E
Estamos interesados en ensayos acad=E9micos originales que analicen tant=
o literatura como cine=2C m=FAsica=2C prensa y otrasmanifestaciones cult=
urales sobre este tema=2C que pueden ser enviados por correo electr=F3ni=
co como documento adunto a AMERICAN=40inv=2Euhu=2Ees antes del 31 de O=
ctubre de 2006=2E Para m=E1s informaci=F3n=2C consulten la p=E1gina de =
AMERICAN=40 en la siguiente direcci=F3n=3A
http=3A//www=2Euhu=2Ees/hum676/revista/ =

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Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 11:19:36 EDT