CFP: 66: A Journal of Sonnet Studies (10/25/06; journal issue)

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66: A Journal of Sonnet Studies, now in its nascent stages, is a
publication from the Boston area entirely devoted to the sonnet form,
not only in English, but in any other language in which it has
flourished. The journal will publish annually new sonnets of
exceptional merit, older sonnets that have been unjustly ignored by
past scholarship, and commentary on particular sonnets, as well as
papers/essays on any aspect of the form.
The inaugural issue, now set to debut in January 2007, will be
available in selected libraries as well as for purchase online. The
members of the editorial board signed on to this project so that our
knowledge of the sonnet form and appreciation of its history and merits
may be improved, and so that we may act as responsible auditors and
editors in directing the attention of the reading public to worthwhile
poets, poems, and aspects of poetry.

66 is soliciting submissions of original sonnets that will be valuable
and pertinent to the publication's stated objectives. We are looking
for about three or four poems per author, to be sent to on or before October 25, 2006. Please direct
all questions to the same address.
-The Editorial Staff of 66

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Oct 14 2006 - 20:52:23 EDT
