CFP: Production, Critical Race Analysis and Literary Studies (11/20/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Roy Perez
contact email: 

PRODUCTION: Critical Race Analysis and Literary Studies

A Graduate Student Conferece
New York University, 23-24 February 2007

Coordinators at New York University seek abstracts for a two-day
conference on "production" at the intersection of critical race
analysis and literary studies. Organized by the Critical Race
Analysis and Literary Studies Colloquium (CRALS) at NYU, this
conference will provide an opportunity for graduate students to
present work that reflects on the significance of critical race
theories to teaching, research, and writing in departments of English
and other fields related to literary study. Beyond (but including)
the analysis of cultural production, we are interested in examining
race as it bears meaning in the production of new critical frameworks
and in academic relations of production at the university level.
Proposals for the discussion of racism and anti-racism, feminism,
sexual politics, and ability as they pertain to labor in the academic
workplace are especially welcome. Other possible topics include:

-Genealogies of critical race analysis

-Pedagogies for critical race analysis

-Race and theories of the body in literature

-Race and popular culture/genres, e.g. comics, TV and film,
conceptions of the paraliterary

-Race in law and literature

-Race, literature, and the working-class experience

-Race and emerging critical frameworks, e.g. disability studies,
rural studies, transgender studies

-Privilege in literature and literary studies

-Transnational and postcolonial literary studies

-Aesthetics and minoritarian cultural production

Please submit abstracts of 250-500 words to by
Monday, 20 November 2006. Please let us know if you have any special
media equipment requirements. Accepted presenters will be notified
no later than 22 December 2006. A limited number of travel
scholarships will be available for graduate students presenting at
the conference.

ABOUT: CRALS emerges from an ongoing faculty and graduate student
colloquium bringing contemporary debates on race and representation
to bear on literary texts and criticism. CRALS focuses on examining
literature in relation to racial politics; negotiating the
interdisciplinarity of cultural and literary studies; and developing
critical race theories that address literary works in English.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Oct 14 2006 - 20:51:40 EDT