CFP: Service to God and Service to Man (1/15/07; online journal issue)
Dulia et Latria (roughly translated as service to man and service to
God) is an online journal dedicated to exploring dulia and latria
within the Christian faith. In his late 14th century Tractatus de
Mandatis Divinis, John Wycliffe, writing against iconic idolatry within
the Catholic church, defined dulia as the reverence men and women owe
to each other and latria as the reverence a man or woman owes only to
God. He was interested in developing a taxonomy for and an analysis of
duties involved in the horizontal relationship between created beings
themselves and the vertical relationship between the created and the
creator, and so are we. With our journal we wish to showcase some of
the most current and constructive writing dealing with the
manifestations and interconnections of dulia and latria in the realm of
the home, the academy, the church, the workplace, the arts, the
community, and the government.
Dulia et Latria seeks papers for the inaugural 2007 February issue.
Submissions addressing one of the following specific questions will be
What is the modern context for dulia and/or latria?
Is it ever proper to deny dulia and/or latria?
Is either dulia and/or latria restricted to time and space?
Is dulia and/or latria culturally bound?
Is dulia and/or latria dispensed by nature or by revelation?
What forms and the essential dulia and/or latria take, and in what
What are the shortcomings of the modern church concerning dulia
and/or latria?
What actual or apparent contradictions are involved with dulia
and/or latria?
Submissions will also be considered that broaden the scope to an
investigation related to dulia and/or latria within the broad contexts
of specific academic disciplines. For example, the following is a list
of feasible topics. The list is in no way exhaustive but meant only to
provide rough boundaries within which other topics can be fashioned.
Latria in Dante's climax of the Paradiso
Dulia and latria in Socrates's Apology
Dulia and the sovereignty of God
The English High-Anglican assumption of latria in the mid 17th
Latria and the poetry of Richard Crashaw
Greco-Roman latria and the Pauline texts
Latria and the writings of the early Quakers
Latria and the existential frustrations of the modern mind
If interested, please see the editorial policy web page on the Dulia et
Latria web site ( for the specific guidelines of
submission. Only submissions received before the deadline of 15 Jan.
2007 will be considered for publication in the Feb. 2007 issue.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Oct 14 2006 - 20:51:59 EDT