CFP: Shakespeare and Islam (12/1/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Mark Hutchings

CFP: Shakespeare and Islam (journal issue)

Scholars have long associated Shakespeare with the wider world beyond early
modern England's shores, notably Europe of course and, in the wake of New
Historicism, the Americas. One of the most interesting recent developments
in early modern studies, however, has been the recognition that writers
looked towards the East as well as westwards - to the Islamic world, and the
Ottoman Empire in particular.

The Routledge journal Shakespeare is devoting its 4.1 (Spring 2008) issue to
the special topic 'Shakespeare and Islam'. Contributions are invited that
address any aspect of the possible conjunctions between Shakespeare
(understood here to mean the texts, study of, place of, etc.) and Islam
(similarly open to broad interpretation). Essays may also include
consideration of other early modern writers/texts/contexts, as long as
Shakespeare remains the primary focus of the discussion.

Please send enquiries and abstracts (200-300 words) by email to Mark
Hutchings (University of Reading), Guest Editor, Shakespeare by 1 December
2006; completed essay drafts (5,000-7,000 words) to be submitted by 1
February 2007.

For information about past and forthcoming issues of this journal go to

Mark Hutchings (

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Received on Sat Oct 14 2006 - 20:54:13 EDT
