CFP: The Politics of Immigrant Embodiment (10/27/06; NWSA, 6/28/07-7/1/07)

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Papers are sought for a proposed panel for the National Women's Studies
Association Summer 2007 conference to be held in St. Charles, Illinois. If
selected, the panel will be part of the embedded conference sub-theme on
(Im)Migration and Mobility. The panel, tentatively titled, "Bridging the
Body Gap: Mobilizing Embodied Activism for Im(Migrant) Equity," seeks to
examine (im)migration with a particular emphasis on the body. In
particular, the panel seeks to interrogate how (im)migrant bodies are coded
as racialized bodies, 'alien' bodies, threatening bodies, 'illegal' bodies,
etc. Seeking to investigate how an embodied approach to (im)migrant rights
and issues might serve as a useful bridge to a more just society in which
all bodies are viewed and treated as equally human, deserving, and
desirable, the panel will aim to incorporate politically conscious work
aimed at bringing about a more just, equitable society. Intersectional and
interdisciplinary approaches that critically interrogate delimiting bodily
norms in relation to bodily size, appearance, and ability in relation to
race, ethnicity, white privilege, class privilege, heterosexism, ageism,
lookism, and (dis)ability are particularly welcome. As the conference will
also hold tribute panels honoring the groundbreaking work of This Bridge
Called My Back, papers that include references or analysis of either this
work or its sequel, This Bridge We Call Home, are also particularly welcome.

Please send 200 word proposals along with institutional affiliations by
October 27 to Natalie Wilson at
Dr. Natalie Wilson
Markstein Hall 341
Women's Studies Program/
Literature and Writing Studies
Cal State San Marcos

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Oct 14 2006 - 20:52:38 EDT
