CFP: Virtual Community and Social Network Topics (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Chaney, Joseph R
contact email: 

CALL FOR PAPERS: Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 14-17, 2007

Computer Culture Area, 2007 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture
Association/American Culture Association Annual Meeting

We are seeking paper and panel proposals on a variety of virtual
community-related topics for a series of panels in the Computer Culture
Area of this large conference. Possible topics of study include:
bulletin boards and chat rooms; social utilities such as facebook;
alternative lifestyles sites; online match-making services; the virtual
church; diversity issues and questions of representation and access; fan
sites; and online auction culture. Many other relevant topics may be
proposed. Cultural studies approaches and rhetorical analyses are
especially welcome.

For Paper Proposals:

Please submit a brief abstract (no more than 200 words) embedded in the
body of an email by November 15. Include contact information (your
postal and preferred email address, phone and fax numbers, etc.) and a
biographical note about your connection to the topic.

For Panels:

Query first. Panel, roundtable, and other proposals should include all
of the information requested for individual paper proposals, as well as
a 100-word statement of the panel's rationale and any noteworthy
organizational features.

Proposals are welcome from any and all scholars, critics, and thinkers,
including graduate students and independent scholars.

Professor Joseph Chaney
Department of English
Indiana University South Bend
South Bend IN 46634-7111
(574) 520-4870
fax: (574) 520-4538

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Received on Sat Oct 14 2006 - 20:52:13 EDT