CFP: bpNichol + 20 (4/1/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Lori Emerson
contact email: 

CFP: bpNichol + 20 (04/01/2007; journal issue)


Deadlines: 1 December 2006 for proposals; 1 April 2007 for finished essays
Journal: Open Letter, A Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory
Guest Editor: Lori Emerson

"What often happens on the death of an author is that an institutional
group of textual custodians comes into being—scholars and editors who
present themselves as caring as passionately about that author's text
as the author once did...Much of this kind of
celebratory rather than productive or critical, even, or perhaps
especially, when it purports to offer no more than readings or
explications...Most of those interested in continuing to author Nichol
texts have been other writers. Most of these have been writers of his
own generation, and most have been his friends. There has been little
sign yet of scholars who hope to focus their careers on Barrie's
—Frank Davey

Open Letter is seeking essays for a special issue dedicated to "bp
Nichol + 20". As a follow-up to the 1998 issue of Open Letter
"bpNichol + 10," we hope to reenliven and, especially, broaden the
critical landscape of Nichol's works. The editors are particularly
interested in critical/critical-creative submissions from young and
emerging scholars/writers who are part of a generation that never knew
"Barrie" or "beep."

Submissions could address:
*Nichol's essays, sound poems, visual poems, novels, pamphlets,
broadsides, computer-poems, script writing, collaborations, ephemera
etc. and, of course, The Martyrology
*his work with Therafields, the TRG, the Four Horsemen, the Tish poets etc.
*his literary inheritors
*his literary and/or philosophical influences
*the issue of autobiography in relation to his work
*his critical reception outside of Canada and/or the U.S.

However, the above list is merely suggestive.

Please send proposals to Lori Emerson ( by 1
December 2006. Notifications of acceptance will be made no later than
15 January 2007. Finished essays will be appreciated by 1 April 2005
and should not exceed 3500 words in length.

For more information on Open Letter please visit

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Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 18:06:28 EST