CFP: Images of France in American Popular Culture (France) (12/1/06; 5/24/07-5/26/07)
" Images of France in American Popular Culture "
Symposium of the French Association of American Studies, to be held
May 24-26 2007 in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale Francois Mitterand);
CFP for the Popular Culture workshop:
What images of France have flowed through mainstream America from WWI
to the present? How have Americans been affected in their daily lives
by representations and constructions of France and the French? To the
exclusion of movies, what commodities and cultural practices have
incorporated French elements, ranging from cartoons and comic strips
to fashion (perfume, clothing, jewelry), food, advertising, popular
music, design, the media (radio, TV, magazines) and the vernacular?
Questions to consider: How superficial or profound has this process
been? How and where have France and the French been a fad, a safety
valve, a red herring? Where and for what purposes have French motifs
been used in commodity culture? What does "French" trigger in the
American mind and how has this been influenced by time and space? How
does this process reflect French reality? Who or what were the go-
Contact Claude Chastagner (Montpellier) before Dec, 1st, 2006.
Claude Chastagner
Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III
Route de Mende
34199 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
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Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 18:07:22 EST