CFP: Langston Hughes's Audiences (12/1/06; ALA '07)

full name / name of organization: 
Matthew R. Hofer
contact email: 

Call for Papers #1: ALA panel on Langston Hughes's

American Literature Association
Memorial Day Weekend 2007
Westin in Copley Square
Boston, Mass.

"Langston Hughes's Audiences." For this panel we welcome
15-20 minute presentations that analyze the circulation
and distribution of Hughes's literary art, as well as the
social impact that his writing has had on various
communities of readers, teachers, editors, and either
contemporary or future authors. There are no historical or
national restrictions on submissions to this session.

350 word abstract and short cv by 12/1/06;
Submit materials via e-mail to Matthew R. Hofer

All presenters must be members of the Langston Hughes
Society by 1/1/07

For more information on the LHS, see

Matthew R. Hofer
Assistant Professor
Department of English
University of New Mexico
505/277-3712 (o)
505/277-0021 (f)

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Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 18:08:20 EST
