CFP: Only Human?: Medical Biology vs. The Social Model of Disability (11/30/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

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13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2006
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  Southwest Graduate English Symposium – 2007
  Only Human?: Medical Biology vs. The Social Model of Disability
  In her 1999 book Female Forms, Carol Thomas suggests that disability studies and activism would benefit from a social model approach to definitions of disability, as opposed to the long-standing contention that disability, impairment, and its effects are biological, physiological, anatomical—in short, medical.
  This panel seeks papers and presentations that engage, investigate, and/or complicate this debate. What is the most ethical way to engage these questions? How should we view disability and impairment? How does this debate affect the activism that is so vital to disability studies? Papers from a variety of perspectives are encouraged, and may include (but are not limited to): theoretical, literary, cultural, historical, economic, philosophical, and political.
  Please plan a 15 minute presentation. Submit title and 300 word abstracts, with name, university affiliation, address, phone number(s), and email address to: attention Cindi.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 18:41:18 EST