CFP: Religion & Theatre One-Act Play Festival (2/15/07; ATHE, 7/24/07-7/29/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Laura G. Pattillo
contact email: 

Call for Plays: ATHE Religion and Theatre Focus Group
"Sore Spots"

In the human body, soreness is a symptom of stress. It can indicate rapid
growth or long neglect, the beginning of repair or the end of exertion.
Religion both generates and heals sore spots. Not only institutional
religions but all forms of spiritual practices and beliefs can be used to
probe wounds, or as a salve; they can medicate, or can celebrate recovery.

The Religion and Theatre Focus Group of the Association for Theatre in
Higher Education (ATHE) seeks submissions of one-act plays and solo works,
approximately 20 minutes in length, that mix the above metaphors in any
combination for presentation at ATHE's 2007 conference in New Orleans,
arguably the sorest spot in the nation. All plays and solo works must be
submitted electronically in MS Word. Selected plays will be given directed
readings by actors as part of the Religion and Theatre pre-conference (July
24-25), and again during the main ATHE conference (July 26-29) in the form
of a mini-festival. Readings will take place in a conference room setting,
so no technical support will be provided.

Scripts must be submitted via email as Word documents by February 15,
2007. Submissions should be made to
<> The subject heading
should read "ATHE R&T Play entry, TITLE OF SHOW," with the name of your
play in all caps in place of the phrase "title of show." This will help us
keep the submissions organized. Please include the name of the playwright
and contact information with your submission. We will consider only one
submission from each playwright. Playwrights whose work is selected must
attend the pre-conference and the conference. The list of plays selected
will be announced by May 1, 2007.

If you need further information about the festival or the call, please
contact Dr. Laura Grace Pattillo at Saint Joseph's University in
Philadelphia at the email address above or by phone at 610-660-1386.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 18:06:43 EST
