CFP: Rethinking Resistance (grad) (11/15/06; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Katy Hanggi
contact email: 

Rethinking Resistance: Literature, Religion, and Politics in a Global Context
March 30-31st, 2007
Emory University Graduate Conference
Atlanta, GA

Keynote Speakers: Michael Hardt, Professor of Literature, Duke University
Amy Kaplan, Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Professor in the Humanities,
University of Pennsylvania

Terms defining relationships of power—imperialism, colonialism,
slavery, postcolonialism, globalization—have become central to
humanistic inquiry across disciplines. However, scholarly
conversations about this critical vocabulary and the developments they
seek to name have been limited by the need to ground scholarship in the
specifics of historical period, geography and region, and academic
discipline. This conference aims to promote dialogue across fields
through a focus on resistance, a concept present in all relations of
power. The literary and visual arts, religious movements, and political
struggles offer unique insights into forms of resistance.

This conference seeks papers that will address the construction of and
resistance to power relations, dominance, and hegemony by engaging with
literary, historical, religious, and theoretical texts and analyses of
resistance. Proposed papers might engage with the points of interaction
between terms such as globalization, postcolonialism, modernism,
postmodernism, and imperialism or address context-specific instances of

Suggested topics include:
Rhetoric of resistance
Resistance in literature
Religious interventions in politics
Visual representations of resistance
Comparative resistance movements
Counter-Globalization in the media
The World Social Forums
Historical movements for liberation
Indigenous struggles
Global Culture
Literary Modes of Resistance
Art as Resistance
Insurgency movements Gender and Resistance

Papers should be fifteen minutes in length and panels will be organized
to reflect the intersections mentioned above. Panel proposals should
include abstracts for each paper. Send 300-word abstracts to by November 15, 2006.

Department of English
Emory University
N302 Callaway Center
537 Kilgo Circle Atlanta, GA 30322

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Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 18:41:33 EST