UPDATE: Women as Intercultural Leaders (11/15/06; 4/26/07-4/28/07)
Please note that this call is not for a journal publication as indicated in the initial email, but is for an upcoming conference (April 26-28, 2007).
Call for Proposals
Proposal Deadline: November 15, 2006
Women as Intercultural Leaders:
Collaboration at the Crossroads
An interdisciplinary conference exploring the intersections of women's studies,
international and multicultural education, and leadership development hosted by
Center for Women's InterCultural Leadership
Saint Mary's College
Notre Dame, Indiana
April 26-28, 2007
About CWIL
Since 2000 the Center for Women's InterCultural Leadership (CWIL) has been fostering the intercultural competence critical for the next generation of women leaders across the Saint Mary's campus, connecting with communities at the local, state, national, and global levels. To promote transformational intercultural engagement, CWIL builds collaborative relationships and encourages partnering across departments, disciplines, and other traditional dividing lines. The Center bridges global and domestic diversity issues, mindful of the distinctions between these but also of their commonalities. It highlights the roles of women and studies the interconnections between gender and culture. CWIL's central goal is to develop women as leaders. Rooted in a developmental approach, the Center challenges and supports individuals and groups to take the next steps toward deeper intercultural experience, more sophisticated grappling with issues of difference such as power and privilege, a!
nd greater awareness of their own potential as change agents.
Conference Themes
This interactive conference will celebrate five years of accomplishments and welcome fruitful new collaboration by bringing together theorists, scholars, professionals, educators, community activists, practitioners, and students who are interested in women's intercultural leadership. For three days participants will connect in Indiana, at the "crossroads of America" networking, sharing best practices, and joining an international conversation about cutting-edge work. The conference will focus on three particular themes and their intersections:
* thinking in new ways about women's leadership and promoting women as change agents
* internationalizing and interculturalizing the college curriculum and co-curriculum
* building reciprocal relationships between colleges and communities across disciplines
Submission Guidelines
CWIL welcomes proposals for panels, individual papers, interactive workshops, roundtables, and posters that explore the three conference themes and the intersections between them.
Description of types of sessions:
* Panel - presentations and/or discussions by three people with contrasting or complementary points of view.
* Interactive Workshop - a demonstration rooted in audience participation and active learning.
* Roundtable -10-15 minute presentation followed by a facilitated discussion with session attendees.
* Poster -a visual display of a program, paper, or project that is set up in an exhibit space and staffed by the creator(s) during a designated time.
Each session will be 75 minutes in length and proposals for 20-minute individual papers will be grouped with two other papers to form complete panels.
All session proposals must follow the CWIL Conference Proposal Form. Proposals must include a brief abstract (not to exceed 50 words), which will be used for the conference program, as well as a longer description (not to exceed 500 words) that indicates your intended audience, how your session is relevant to one or more of the conference themes, if your session crosses interdisciplinary boundaries, and the expected outcomes for the audience.
Proposals will be selected based on the relevance to the conference theme/s, for content that crosses disciplinary boundaries, and to ensure a balance of appropriate sessions for multiple audiences. Presenters will be notified by January 2007. All proposals are due by November 15, 2006 via email (as an MS Word attachment) to cwil_at_saintmarys.edu
Visit CWIL's conference website http://www.saintmarys.edu/~cwil/Conference/CFP.php
to download the Conference Proposal Form. Additional conference information will be posted on CWIL's Web site as it becomes available.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 18:40:55 EST