CFP: College English Association: Association of Advisors of English (no deadline noted; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Walter Levy
contact email: 

The *Association of Advisors of English* invites submissions for panels to
be conducted at the College English Association annual meeting in New
Orleans, April 2007. Suggested presentation topics include: Professional
Development ;Advice to Graduate Students; Viability of the English Major;
Writing Programs and the Traditional Major; Internships and their Value
Distance Learning Outcomes for the English Major; English in the Community
College; Designing Learning Outcomes for the English Major; Problems with
Publishing; Community-Based Service Learning in English; Problem-Based
Learning and Student Engagement. Contact: Walter Levy at
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 05 2006 - 20:36:48 EST
