CFP: Food and Culture (12/1/06; PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Houston, Lynn

Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association
Southwest/Texas regional conference*=20
Albuquerque, NM February 14-17, 2007

The field of food studies continues to grow and expand, offering new =
approaches to the question of what the study of the edible can do for =
our understanding of individuals, communities, and the construction of =
everyday life. We invite papers that approach food and eating from =
cultural, theoretical, ethnographic and/or historical angles, in order =
to expand the growing conversation about practices of eating and cooking =
in relation to society and culture. We encourage new methods of research =
as well as the development of the work of well-established food =
scholars. =20

Topics of individual papers and panel submissions could include (but are =
not limited to):

        -- Regional food and culture of the American Southwest and M=E9xico
        -- Food studies methodologies and philosophies, including food voice
        -- Analyses of foodways based on race, gender and/or class
        -- Food and globalization (i.e. issues related to transnational =
migration, borderlands)
        -- Visual studies of food, such as aesthetics and/or visual =
        -- Food in popular culture and current events, and/or critiques of =
modern food fads
        -- Iconography associated with the edible
        -- Restaurant culture
        -- Cultural critiques of food systems and technologies
        -- Analyses of contemporary theories by such authors as Michael Pollan, =
Vandana Shiva, Marion Nestle, Sherrie Inness, and Eric Schlosser

For consideration, please send an abstract of your paper or panel (with =
individual paper titles and authors included) of no more than 750 words =
to the area co-chairs listed below. Please include with your abstract =
the following information: past/present university positions, =
publications or description of research, and contact info. Papers are =
acceptable in both English and Spanish.

Deadline: Dec. 1, 2006

Send your proposal (electronically or via hard copy) to:

Prof. Lynn Houston =09
English Department =09
CSU Chico =09
400 W. First St. =09
Chico, CA 95929-0830 =09
Tel. (530) 898-6247

Stacy Jameson
Cultural Studies
UC Davis
Davis, CA 95616

Melissa Salazar
School of Education
UC Davis
Davis, CA 95616

*The Food and Culture Section of the SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference offers =
scholars a unique opportunity to present their work in a small setting =
within a much larger conference (the Southwest/Texas region is the =
largest of the PCA and ACA regional conferences). The Food and Culture =
panels do not overlap and participants are able to actively engage with =
others in their field by continuing to dialogue throughout the =
conference and at food-centered social events hosted by the Food and =
Culture area organizers. Past attendees have represented a wide variety =
of regions throughout the continental U.S., Canada, M=E9xico, and =

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Received on Sun Nov 05 2006 - 20:40:30 EST