CFP: Interdisciplinary Renaissance (1/15/07; PNRS, 4/26/07-4/28/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Patrick Finn
contact email: 

The Pacific Northwest Renaissance Society is proud to announce its 50th
Anniversary Call for Papers and Plenary Speakers:

Gary Taylor, Florida State University (
Paul Yachnin, McGill University

Sponsored by:

Mt. Royal College, St. Mary's University College, The University of Alberta,
The University of Calgary and the University of Lethbridge

To be held at:

Eau Claire Sheraton (
Calgary, Alberta
April 26-28, 2007

As a multi-disciplinary body, the PNRS invites papers on the fine arts, the
humanities, and the social sciences. Proposals, including a short bio and an
abstract of 300-500 words, are to be submitted by e-mail to the address
below, no later than January 15, 2007.

Each abstract must include the title of the paper, the author's name and
complete mailing address (including e-mail), any need for audio-visual
equipment, and must make clear the paper's thesis, methodology and

Completed papers are limited to twenty minutes presentation time, including
slides, films, or other audio-visual support. To facilitate discussion,
session chairs will hold papers strictly to this limit. All papers are to be
essentially new and never before presented in public.

In keeping with PNRS tradition, the conference committee prefers to
structure all panels. In the case where a panel is proposed, the submission
should include abstracts and short bios for all presenters.

Send inquiries and proposals by e-mail to:

For more information see:


Patrick Finn, PhD

Associate Professor, English

Chair, Humanities

St. Mary's University College

14500 Bannister Road, SE

Calgary, Alberta


Office: (403) 254-3736

Fax: (403) 531-9136

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 05 2006 - 20:35:58 EST
