CFP: Secrets and Lies and/or the Irish in Newfoundland (12/22/06; CAIS, 6/20/07-6/23/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Danine Farquharson
contact email: 

Call For Papers: CAIS 2007

  Memorial University (St. John's, Newfoundland)

Secrets and Lies


The Irish in Newfoundland

The 2007 Canadian Association for Irish Studies is holding it annual =20
conference and AGM from June 20-23rd in St. John=92s, Newfoundland, =20
Canada. Conference organizers are calling for 20-minute contributions =20=

on any aspect connected with or suggested by the titles of the =20

Topics may include but are not limited to: conspiracy and espionage; =20
secret societies within a cultural context; exclusivity and occlusion =20=

in any disciplinary context; previously undocumented sources and/or =20
confessional texts; hidden or recently found archives; excavations; =20
histories under erasure; masks, hidden identities, contingent selves; =20=

and art/artifact revision and restoration.

Keynote speakers: Professor Monica McWilliams (Chief Commissioner, =20
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission), Dr. Peter Hart (Canada =20
Research Chair in Irish History), and Gear=F3id =D3 hAllmhur=E1in =
Stone Corporation Professor of Irish Music).

Please send a 200-250 word abstract no later than December 22, 2006 =20
Please paste the abstract into the body of the e-mail and please be =20
sure to include your full name, contact information, and academic =20
affiliation (if any). Abstracts will be assessed by a conference =20

For more information:

Danine Farquharson
Department of English
President, Canadian Association for Irish Studies (
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL, Canada, A1C5S7

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Received on Sun Nov 05 2006 - 20:36:56 EST