CFP: Studies in American Culture (4/1/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
McDonald, Rob
contact email: 

Studies in American Culture welcomes the submission of essays on all
aspects of American culture and from all scholarly and critical
approaches. We especially invite interdisciplinary studies of the
literature, language, visual arts, and history of the United States.*


Our diverse readership includes academics and non-academics who come
from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. We prefer fresh,
innovative essays that are informed by research and current critical
theories but which avoid alienating jargon.


Studies in American Culture is an annual publication of the Popular
Culture Association in the South and American Culture Association in the
South, which meet jointly in a conference each fall. Authors of
accepted manuscripts must join PCAS/ACAS ( Membership
includes a year's subscription to both SiAC and our other publication,
Studies in Popular Culture.


To facilitate the blind peer-review process, submit your essay
electronically (in a Microsoft Word file only) to the editor, making
sure not to identify yourself anywhere in the text. We prefer
submissions not exceeding 5000 words, double-spaced in Times Roman
12-point font. Formatting according to the MLA Style Manual (1998) is
required. Content notes should be kept to a minimum. Black and white
illustrations may accompany the text. Authors should secure all
necessary copyright permissions before submitting essays requiring such
permissions. Queries are encouraged.


For additional submission information, visit our website:


To be included in the final round of reviews for the October 2007 issue,
submissions must be received by April 1, 2007.


Robert L. McDonald, Editor

Studies in American Culture

Department of English and Fine Arts

Virginia Military Institute

Lexington, Virginia 24450



* While we have published essays on topics in popular culture, including
popular literature, music, television, and movies, we generally
encourage the submission of those works to our sister publication,
Studies in Popular Culture. Address queries or send submissions to
Rhonda Wilcox, Editor, Studies in Popular Culture, Department of
English, Gordon College, Barnesville, GA 30204 (

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Received on Sun Nov 05 2006 - 20:36:07 EST