CFP: Watermark: A Graduate Journal of Literary Criticism (1/1/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization:

Call for Papers:
_Watermark_, an annual scholarly journal published by graduate students
in the Department of English at California State University, Long
Beach, is now seeking papers for the inaugural issue. _Watermark_ is
dedicated to publishing original critical and theoretical papers
concerned with literature of all genres and periods, as well as papers
representing current issues in the fields of rhetoric and composition.
As this journal is intended to provide a forum for emerging voices, only
student work will be considered.

Possible essay topics may include, but are not limited to:
Gender, cultural, racial, and economic borders and transitions
Digital rhetoric in the media age
Reconsidering regional and/or sentimental literature
The construction of minimalism
(Re)configuring the colonial experience
Dissident ideas and official voices
Issues of identity, discipline, and excess
The new ethnicity of pastiche

Submission Guidelines:
The deadline for submissions is January 1, 2007. All submissions should
include a cover letter that includes your name, phone number, email
address, and the title of your essay or book review. All submissions
should be approximately 12-15 pages and must be typed in MLA format
with a standard 12 pt font. Please do not include your name on the
essay itself as it will be reviewed by a blind peer-review panel.
Submissions will not be returned.

Mail submissions to:
CSULB Department of English
Attn: Watermark
1250 Bellflower Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90840

Please direct all questions to –

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 05 2006 - 20:37:12 EST
