CFP: Cine-Excess: An international Conference on Global Cult Film Traditions (UK) (1/15/07; 5/3/07-5/5/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Xavier Mendik

CFP: Cine-Excess: An international Conference on Global Cult Film Traditions (1/15/07; 5/3/07-5/5/07)

Organised by the Cult Film Archive at Brunel University and Sci-Fi-London Film Festival


Apollo West End Cinema, Lower Regents Street, London, UK.


Over the last decade there has been an explosion of critical interest around the global traditions, traits and themes of cult film. Whether defined by horror, kung-fu, sci-fi, sexploitation, blaxploitation, kitsch musical or 'weird world cinema', cult film has moved from the margins to the mainstream of critical respectability.


The cult film has generated several significant academic collections, book series and monographs as well as international audience studies projects and dedicated research organisations devoted to the study of the world's unruliest images. To celebrate the launch of the world's first MA programme in Cult Film and TV, the Cult Film Archive at Brunel University and SCI-FI-LONDON Film Festival will be hosting an international conference re-evaluating some of the biggest trends, icons, auteurs and periods of global cult film production. Presented across a number of key strands, the conference will supplement discussion papers and plenary sessions with screenings and talks by leading cult filmmakers.


Proposals are welcomed on, but not limited to, the following topics and areas:


-Cult Auteurs, Cult Mavericks: New readings of leading cult filmmakers

-Cult Icons: New readings of leading cult icons and performers

-Taking Trash Seriously: Conceptualising cult through film/cultural/media theory

-Cult across Categories: Overlaps between cult film and other visual/electronic/web-based media

-Cult consumers: New readings in fandom and cult audience research

-Distributing Excess: Production, distribution and exhibition strategies in cult cinema

-Exploitation: No Place for a Woman? Case-Studies of female cult/icons and auteurs

-Cult Contexts: National/international reception studies of cult and marginal film trends

Transnational Cult Perspectives - Issues of national identity, taste and region

-Underground American Auteurs: From 'classic' to contemporary cult

-Queer Cults - Sexual identities in marginal and mainstream cult cinema

-Cruel Britannia: The lost continent of British trash cinema

-Porno Chic, Porno Shlock: Traditions of the cult erotic image

-Fear Today, Horror Tomorrow: Cult remakes and contemporary fears

-Continental Cults: New Readings of European trash cinema

-Beyond Asia Extreme: Rethinking Cult Asian Cinema

-Art-House or Atrocity: Style and aesthetics in the cult film

-Cult Case-Studies: Production and institutional studies of cult studios



We welcome individual submissions, panels and roundtable proposals. Please send a 300 word abstract and a short (one page) C.V. by 15th January 2007, to:




Xavier Mendik

Director of the Cult Film Archive

Convenor of the MA in Cult Film and TV

Brunel University




UK <> <>


The Cine-Excess Cult Conference forms part of the 2007 Sci-Fi-London Film Festival (2nd-6th May 2007)



For further information on the 2007 Sci-Fi London Film Festival, see the website: <file://>

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Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:46:12 EST