CFP: Contemporary Poetry (no deadline, journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Jesse Bishop

Call for Papers

New Poetry Notes, a journal dedicated to establishing a dialogue about contemporary
verse, seeks submissions of explications, explorations, criticisms, and reviews of poetry
that are less than a decade old. Reviews should focus on books no more than five years old, while essays may focus on any poem not more than ten years old.

All essays should be under 2,000 words.

Our first issue will be published in early December 2006. New Poetry Notes will be available in print and online at We accept submissions year-round. The journal acquires First North American Serial Rights, and reserves the right to republish any submission in an anthology. Authors will be notified before such anthology is published. Payment is two contributor's copies.

Currently, we accept only submissions of essays about poetry, not poetry itself.

Those interested in submitting should contact the editor at
  About Us:
  New Poetry Notes was developed out of the desire to see more commentaries about new poetry and emerging poets.
NPN looks for the best in criticism, explications, and explorations of today's poets and poetry. We are concerned with bringing new poetry into dialogue through the many varied voices of sharp-eyed readers.
NPN is published, in print and online, in December, March, and August.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:16:01 EST
