CFP: Edited Volume on Filmic Representations of Dracula (1/15/07; collection)
Call for Book Chapters:
Our (Un)Invited Guest(s):
Documenting Dracula and Global Identities in Film (Working Title)
Caroline Joan (Kay) Picart
Department of English
Florida State University
John Edgar Browning
First-Year Writing Program
Southern Methodist University
Guest Introduction: David J. Skal
Call for Submissions: A proposed collection on filmic representations of Dracula that transcend genre and identity
Submission Deadline: January 15, 2007
This collection of essays seeks to investigate and explore the impulse by which global communities continue to reinvent Dracula in film, whether in an attempt to confront oppression or repression, or to embody social ills and taboos. Thus, theoretical analyses of the transnational generation of Dracula's cinematic offspring are highly sought. Contributions to this collection of essays should examine Dracula films and the ways in which Dracula's movement across borders of nationality, sexuality, ethnicity, gender, and film genre since the 1920s has engendered conflicting conceptualizations about the formation of the "other," identity, and ideology that oscillate between conservative and liberal spheres of normalcy. While this collection is concerned with the complex web of interrelationships between the historical, cultural, and literary counterparts that make up the conventional body of cinematic work from mainstream studios like Universal, Metro, Hammer, Columbia, AIP, equ!
ally important is the significantly larger, yet predominantly under-appreciated body of cinematic work that has poured out of other global markets. We are searching for essays that address these concerns by using single-film or period-based analysis.
With the focus of this collection targeting Dracula and Dracula-type characters in films from not only the United States and England but from other global markets, this collection welcomes submissions that seek to ground Dracula depictions and experiences within a larger political, historical and cultural framework, seeking to identify how different ethnic groups represent themselves and their distinct movements across borders in the Dracula cinema myth. Chapters may focus on isolating new, developing tendencies toward transnational modes of cultural production, or may instead excavate and trace past tendencies from older depictions.
We seek perspectives engaged in the fields of literature, media studies, cultural studies, history, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, sociology, health, medicine, criminology, and theology. As payment, each contributor will receive 1 copy of the completed book.
Please submit your manuscript electronically as an email attachment to:
John Edgar Browning
Adjunct Lecturer of English
First-year Writing Program
Southern Methodist University
Dr. Caroline Joan (Kay) Picart
Associate Professor of English
Courtesy Associate Professor of Law
Florida State University
MANUSCRIPTS should be prepared in accordance with the 15th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Double-space all manuscripts, including references, notes, abstracts, quotations, and tables. The title page should include all authors' names, affiliations, and highest professional degrees, the corresponding author's address and telephone number, and a brief biographical statement. The title page should be followed by an abstract of 100 to 150 words. Tables and references should follow CM style and be double-spaced throughout. Ordinarily, manuscripts will not exceed 30 pages (double-spaced), including tables, figures and references. Authors of accepted manuscripts may be asked to supply camera-ready figures.
Please note that submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish with the essay collection. Authors submitting manuscripts should not simultaneously submit them to another journal, nor should manuscripts have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content. Authors in doubt about what constitutes prior publication may consult with the editor.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 13:58:45 EST