CFP: Journal of Drama Studies (11/30/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Bhim Dahiya
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CFP: Journal of Drama Studies (11/30/06); journal issue)

Journal of Drama Studies (biannual)

Call For Submissions

Though open to world drama from any period, provided written/translated in English, submissions are invited on the Anglo-American drama and the Modern European Drama.

Submission Guidelines:

Preferred length of essays is 8-15 pages (double spaced, Times New Roman, Font 12) typed in MS-Word format. Follow MLA style, with endnotes and work cited at the end of the paper.

The papers will be peer reviewed by the experts.

Send one hard copy and a CD of your complete submission.

Provide a bibliographical headnote to be included in the list of contributors.

Bhim S. Dahiya
Professor Dr Sarup Singh Chair,
Department of English,
Kurukshetra University,
Kurukshetra-136 119.
Phone: +91-1744-239505
        +91-9416035556 (Mob.)
Fax: +91-1744-239505

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Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:13:59 EST