CFP: (Mis)appropriations: Shakespeare and the Politics of Literary Fashion (11/30/06; EGSA, 2/16/07-2/17/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Matthew Landers
contact email: 

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Members Only: Gatekeepers and the Future of Literary Studies

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and
Right (2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

(Mis)appropriations: Shakespeare and the Politics of Literary Fashion

The 17th Annual EGSA Mardi Gras Conference is calling for papers that
discuss the various appropriations of Shakespeare in the current
literary milieu. Whether one talks about the universal choice of The
Tempest by Postcolonial scholars and Atlanticists, or the tendency of
Marxist scholars to concentrate on the political "histories," one
notices, in literary studies, the privileging of certain texts, always
from an ideological center. In accordance with the rules of fashion,
moreover, many plays in Shakespeare's canon go unstudied in the
university classroom, as other texts take their place.

This panel aims to examine the reasons behind the popularity of
certain Shakespearean texts, and the de-privileging of others. More
importantly, this panel proposes to examine the notion that certain
ideological appropriations have fallen short of the historical context
they claim to reestablish—and instead practice a less rigorous

A detailed 250-word abstract should be submitted by November 30, 2006,
to Matthew Landers <>. Papers should be 15
minutes in length. Please submit your abstract in the body of your
email. No attachments, please.

In case you were wondering, the Mardi Gras conference takes place
during the weekend of Mardi Gras. Baton Rouge is 50 minutes from New
Orleans, by car.

--Matthew LandersPhD. CandidateLouisiana State University ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:15:31 EST